Rejecting U.S. health care reform because of the almighty dollar :(
I hardly think anyone should be surprised that people with health problems get so much of their information from the Internet because their doctors aren't giving them answers that work and/or that don't give them dreadful, even fatal, side effects. I refused to take Fosamax, an osteoporosis drug, after reading the warnings (in the enclosed instructions), among which were "irreversible jaw rot." I thought bisphosphonates were supposed to cure bone loss, not cause it. Broken hip bone, anyone? (Yep, happened to someone I know.) Serious skin damage, anyone? (Yep, happened to someone else I know.) And why get on digestion medications that might make you sicker than you already are and/or permanently dependent on drugs, rather than trying a "treatment diet," such as this one?
On a related subject, why is it so difficult to find health insurance that provides good coverage for dental care? Are we all supposed to survive on baby food?
And why is it relatively easy to find insurance coverage for eyeglasses, but much more difficult to find insurance coverage for hearing aids? (Medicare doesn't cover them, despite the fact that many seniors lose at least some hearing with increasing age.) Do the insurance companies and/or the government think that hearing loss is of little consequence? Or is the real problem that insurance companies and the government don't want to pay for hearing aids because they cost thousands of dollars more than glasses?
Hear, hear.
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